Week 6: finalizing
On May 22nd, We all met in class to finalize our stories, the Twine flow and the tea flow. Kelly went through all of our stories and edited them so they could be cut up to place in the tea set for the longer game, as well as in the Twine for the shorter game. Rachel has been having some trouble with the Twine flow, because of adding the shorter and longer sections that everyone in the class seemed to like, so she had to delete some of the Twine slides and open up LucidChart to sort everything out. Though we have been having difficulties with adding the new element after receiving feedback, we think it is very important for those who would have trouble navigating the game while also making the tea.
Ashley and Rachel went through the original LucidChart we made a few weeks ago and cleaned up the Twine to make it look less hectic and easier to navigate to make sure everything is in the right patterns. We also added a new slide with the question on if the reader/player wants to make the tea themselves (are patient) or want the tea already made (self-gratifying). We also added the “long” versions of our stories which will include the tea instructions and steps. Then, we went through the Twine as a reader to make sure there were no dead ends and everything made sense.
We then went to the stylesheet for Twine and added in the colors, Twine was being a little fussy and we had to do some researching on the CSS and how to change the colors. It took some trial and error and at first only changed the passage color without the background, but we eventually figured it out!
Wei also brought the Pu’re tea and the tea set for Ashley’s story, which is the one process we hadn’t gone through yet. As Wei was setting up and performing the tea process, Rachel was writing out the steps that would eventually go with each paragraph in Ashley’s story. She wrote down each specific step with detail so it would blend with the story well, making sure everything had a purpose. After the tea was made, we let it sit for a few minutes to cool down. Wei mentioned that we should also get a fan to cool down the tea easier and faster. We all tasted the tea and it was very soft and sweet, a little heavy on the tongue but then turns light.
For Thursday, everyone is going to go in and choose the fonts for their stories and Ashley is going to do in the library on Wednesday to print out the stories and Wei is going to bring all the tea sets so we can place the printed stories in the tea sets. Rachel is going to go through the Twine and add the colors that we have on the website to make everything look more cohesive.