Week 2: Designing the website

On April 23rd, we went through the tea rituals and processes of making tea that Wei and Kevin compiled and figured out which process of making tea we are going to want to use.
We then wrote up a schedule on the whiteboard on what we each need to complete this week. We are each going to finish up our personal stories. Once those are finished, Wei and Kevin are going to match the stories to a type of tea and Kelly is going to work on the Twine/stories flow. Ashley is going to finish formatting the first two weeks of updates and put them up on the website.
Then we planned for the next week, when our prototype is due, Kevin and Wei are going to choose tea sets (cups, saucers, teapot, tea bags, tea box, etc). Kelly is going to take the Twine/stories flow and take the stories and input them into Twine and Ashley is going to document the prototype process with images and notes. We are all going to turn in the reflective (struggles, success, process, actionable items) paragraph in updates. Rachel also made a document with a schedule of everyone’s specific tasks each week. We also need to compile all of our resources and start making a bibliography.
Reflective paragraph:
What have you done?
What will you do?
Actionable item
What have you learned?
Tea bags
Tea box
Tea set
Electric kettle
Playtesting to do:
Interaction between player and tea set / tea
Interaction between player and digital
We need to have one day where we plan “process out”
On April 24th, we spent the class working on our website. We worked on the structure and look of our website to make it look more cohesive. It was taking a bit longer than expected because we all were originally thinking it was going to be fairly easy but there was a lot we wanted to change from the original template we chose from. Rachel posted all of our “about me’s”, photos, the pitch and our art book review. Ashley worked on the first two weeks worth of updates, getting them ready to be posted on to the website. We also decided to divide our updates into weeks instead of individual days so there aren’t too many tabs on the website for each update.
Wei also explained some teas that he thought would pair well with each of our stories, which really helped us solidify which teas we are going to use with our final piece. Wei really emphasized teas that went with the emotional “tone” of each story.